Cloudscraper Software - Magento 2 development

How to use and develop the Cloudscraper system

Release 2.4.2-p1-2.1 (TAG: R2.4.2-C2.1)

Released July 23rd, 2021

This release is based on the new Magento 2.4.2-p1 release introducing security patches. At the same time, we introduce several updates that are mentioned in the accompanying release notes.

Essentials for this release

When you build this release, you need to take several steps to introduce all updates. We have added pages and new blocks, and we made changes to existing pages and blocks. Therefore, you must import both the blocks and the pages.

Because we have new pages for the EU VAT rules in two languages, and we can not import these pages with the same identifier, we need to add URL rewrites. With the URL rewrite, you can use just one URL: eu-vat-rules. Depending on the language setting of the site, you will get the correct version of the page. The URL rewrites can be introduced with an SQL script from the myTools directory (sqlInsertCustomUrlRewrites.sql).

Steps to take after build

You build this version using the normal procedure (backup the database to a database with the tag name), followed by the build procedure. But after the build, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Import the blocks (from the Theme Configuration in the Hiddentechies menu).
  2. Import the pages (from the Theme Configuration in the Hiddentechies menu).
  3. Run the part of the sqlInsertCustomUrlRewrites.sql script that defines the eu-vat-rules pages.
  4. Remove the CSS styling code introduced in the backend (the new release incorporates the styling code).

Categories and tags for the blog

We also introduced updates on the usage of the categories and the tags on the blog. To introduce the correct versions, we first remove all the existing categories and tags.

The categories:

  1. Music reviews
  2. Equipment reviews
  3. News
  4. to the MAX

With the introduction of translation you do not have to create separate categories for the language sites. Once the categories are defined, the menu items in the blog menu will also work.

The tags will consist of the manufacturer’s names. We have altered the code such that the identifier is used in the presentation on the website. The identifier is defined as the URL Key in the backend.

Activating the sidebar widgets

We have activated five widgets in the blog sidebar:

  1. Search
  2. Categories
  3. Tag cloud
  4. Popular posts
  5. Recent posts

You can define the tag cloud as either animated or normal. The styling has been corrected for both definitions.

The styling of the blog overview

In this release, you can use the “Modern” version of the blog list. We have corrected the styling to work on desktop and mobile devices. The modern styling uses little thumbnail pictures in the overview. It makes the presentation colorful. You can change this in the blog configuration menu.

The styling of the Campfire product pages

The product pages of the recent Campfire products contain Vimeo movies. You have to add the de <div> element to the Vimeo embed code for the styling to be activated.

The code to be added in the content of the posts: <div class="embed-container cs_vimeo"> ... </div>

Goto the webstore release notes site
