Cloudscraper Software - Magento 2 development

How to use and develop the Cloudscraper system

Release 2.4.6-p4-15.8

TAG: R2.4.6-p4-15.8

branch: main

Release date: April 2024

This release upgrades version R2.4.5-p1-13.9


As you note from the update numbering, this version skips one Cloudscraper version. This is correct, and intentional. The 14th release of the software system was an update to Magento 2.4.5-p5. Since there is a major version upgrade from Magento available (2.4.6) we chose to upgrade to the newer Magento version.

One of the major issues we came across switching to version 2.4.6 was the removal of the Zend framework. A number of the extensions we use were not upgraded for this yet. Therefore, we have created a number of small Cloudscraper modules that fix these discrepancies.

The fix is actually simple, as the Zend framework is replaced by the Laminas framework.

The modules are:


Page not found 404

On mobile devices the layout was incorrect. The font size was too big to have the layout fit on the smaller screens of phones. This has been corrected.

Customer lock out

We created a module that allows to assign a customer to the customer group ‘locked’. In that case, the user is not allowed to login to the system. This seems a strange option, but there are people that behave strangely and we needed a way to avoid pollution in the system.

To activate this option, an admin user must create the ‘locked’ customer group in the Magento back-end. After that, a user (customer) can be assigned to that group.


Testing revealed that in case of an error during the payment process, the message always comes back in English, even when the site was in Dutch. This is corrected. The Dutch translation is added.


Shipments in customer account not visible

When a customer is logged in and retrieves the details of an order from the order history, it appeared the shipments for the order were not visible anymore. We corrected this, and you can also view the shipment details on past orders.

Release notes

We fixed the incorrect links that lead to a “Page not found - 404” error in the release notes site.

Payment test system

The database we use in the development version has been changed. Therefore, the payment test system is now instructed to use the new development database.
