Cloudscraper Software - Magento 2 development

How to use and develop the Cloudscraper system

Release 2.4.2-p1-2.6 (TAG: R2.4.2-C2.6)

TAG : R2.4.2-C2.6

branch: main branch

Release date: August 2021 internal release only

This release upgrades version R2.4.2-C2.1

Font weight in blog posts

The font size changed to font-weight: 600 - we corrected this to:

.blog-post-view .post-view {
    font-weight: 400;

The main menu appears messed up when you select the blog post overview. It appeared the new version of Magefan blog introduced bootstrap CSS. The bootstrap code defines a display: flex. We changed this to:

.level0.submenu .row {
    display: block;

We use additional selectors to achieve a higher specificity.

Blog search block border-color

Due to the merge with the new Magefan blog version reset the color on the border of the search box. We corrected it to: input {
    border: 1px solid #E1E1E1;

Tags use identifier

We had set the tags to use the identifier to show on the site after the update. You define the URL by the identifier, and it cannot contain every possible character.

We have changed the call:

function getIdentifier() {}

function getMetaTitle() {}

NOTE: When you release this version, change the tag’s identifier not to use spaces anymore. This change requires new sitemaps.

Magefan Blog

Version is available. You no longer need to fix the composer.lock file for the Shoppingfeeder module. The developer has corrected and updated the PHP version requirements.

Reorganizing blocks and pages

The original theme used rather long names for the blocks and pages. We have changed the block and page names to shorter versions. For example, we now use cs_home_blogs_nl for the block that we include on the Dutch version of the home page. The English version will then be: cs_home_blogs_en.

You need to change the usage of the blocks in the backend in the Hiddentechies Pixtron Pro -> Themeconfiguration menu and in the Stores -> Configuration -> Hiddentechies -> Megamenu -> General Options menu.

You can disable all Hiddentechies blocks. Alternatively, you can also remove them, but in that case, you cannot use the DEMO1 option anymore. It would be best if you did not use the option because it will possibly overwrite data.

NOTE 1: You must check the Megamenu definition for the underlying sites; when the definitions are not consistent, the after-menu items will not be visible.

NOTE 2: There may be issues with Varnish caching.

Remove UBTool

We don’t need the M1 to M2 migration tool anymore. You can remove it.

To disable the tool in Magento:

php -f bin/magento module:disable -c Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration

Remove the entries from the database:

FROM `setup_module`
WHERE module = 'Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration';

Remove the data from the file system (only when data still resides on the server):

cd ~/magento2;
rm -rf app/code/Ubertheme/Ubdatamigration pub/ub-tool/;

cd ~/source_code/public;
rm -rf ubtool/;

Release notes

Update the release notes for the bug fixes and improvements that we make in this release. We have moved the release notes to another location. They are now in a separate repo (ae_release_notes) and accessible from a different website: art’s excellence webstore release notes. The link in de after-menu changed to this location.

PHP Version

Starting with Magento 2.4, PHP 7.4 is supported. We have tested the PHP version on the development node. We adjusted the composer.lock file to cope with the newer version; Shoppingfeeder, for example, has a PHP version requirements list, and we have to add the correct version to it. We will notify the people from Shoppingfeeder on the issue.

Essentials for release

  1. Remove temporary CSS from the backend.
  2. Update the URL definitions for the tags.
  3. Generate sitemaps.
  4. Import the pages (Release notes).
  5. Import the blocks.
  6. Remove no longer used blocks and pages.
  7. Define the usage of the correct blocks and pages in the backend.
  8. Follow the steps to remove the Data Migration tool (ubtool).
  9. Deployment scheme has changed: the link to magento2 must be made after deployment (see Wiki).
  10. Upgrade to PHP 7.4 (tested on development hypernode).

Goto the webstore release notes site
